These guidelines are not intended to be an exclusive list of permitted or prohibited items of dress, rather a guideline that ensures the safety and orderliness of our school environment even on a “dress down day. The frequency of violations observed may limit the potential number of dress down days in the future.
1. All clothing:
- Must be appropriate and decent (not displaying any part of the body inappropriately) and no undergarments may show at any time.
No holes, rips, ravels or tears are permitted in any garment (including jeans).
No obscene, suggestive, or disrespectful slogans/graphics are permitted. Clothing that supports, suggests, or endorses the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, sexual activity, death, or violence is prohibited.
Clothing, jewelry or other accessories may not be dangerous, hazardous, distracting, or disruptive to the wearer or other students. For example, chains, straps, safety pins, or metal fastener of any type.
No sleepwear permitted.
Shirts, blouses, sweaters, and other top garments:
Must be long enough to not show any skin or undergarments whether sitting, standing, raising arms, or leaning over and must have sleeves.
Shirts with hoods are not permitted.
Pants, slacks, shorts, skirts, dresses, and other lower garments:
Must be worn at the waistline.
Leggings or yoga style pants are not permitted.
Hats, bandanas, and sunglasses are not permitted.
Shorts/skorts must be mid-thigh.
Skirts need to be to the knee.
Shoes must be closed toe with a secured strap in back. No slippers or sandals.
Exceptions to the Dress Code
- If a staff member is conducting a special class/activity that requires attire different from the above-mentioned regulations or seeks recognition for a school-sponsored activity, the staff member will seek prior approval from the administration. Students will be given advance notice about the activity and the permissible clothing type.
- Attire for Physical Education will be determined by the Physical Education Teacher.
- Athletic attire may be worn only on game or competition days and will be determined by the coach and approved by the administration.